
11 tips for riding a motorcycle safely

Riding a motorcycle safely helps prevent accidents and can save your life. For many motorcyclists, motorcycle trips, even if short, always convey a feeling of freedom. But it’s important to be aware of the dangers, because the balance on a motorbike is less and so is the external protection. To avoid accidents, learn some of the tips that help you ride a motorcycle safely. Very important: having a motorcycle assistance service can make a difference in times of greatest distress.

11 tips for riding a motorcycle safely

The type of surface, weather conditions and the presence of other vehicles can interfere with motorcyclists’ safety. It is therefore essential to drive more defensively, not forgetting the necessary personal equipment (jacket, gloves, boots, knee pads and helmet are essential). These are some of the essential tips for riding a motorcycle safely:

  1. Be aware that you are not always seen.  Motorcyclists are often in the blind spot of cars. Avoid it whenever possible. Have your dipped headlights on and pay attention to drivers’ rear-view mirrors to make sure they are seeing you more safely, especially before overtaking.
  2. Use rear view mirrors.  Many motorcyclists have the tendency to turn their heads back in case of warning. You should avoid doing this, as it takes away time, concentration and takes your eyes off what is happening in front of you. Always monitor what is happening behind you using the rear view mirrors.
  3. Do not bypass traffic queues.  The so-called filtering , in motorcyclists’ slang, should be avoided. In addition to being dangerous for the motorcyclist, it can be hit by a car and is illegal.
  4. Know how to evaluate curves.  Curves can be more or less closed and contain unforeseen events. To ride a motorcycle safely, the rider must know how to evaluate each curve properly. This is the only way to correctly adapt the necessary speed and incline.
  5. Control the movements of 3 cars ahead.  Don’t limit yourself to just controlling the movement of the car immediately in front of you. The ideal is to be aware of three cars ahead. This will allow more time for the most appropriate reaction, such as swerving or braking safely.
  6. Having the right equipment can make all the difference.  The human body has no protection against the speed reached by a motor vehicle. Bones, skin and organs were not designed to withstand possible impacts caused by an accident. Driving a motorcycle safely starts with something as simple as a good helmet, gloves, jacket and boots . For your safety, choose a full-face helmet and use it correctly to avoid injuries that could be fatal.
  7. Pay attention to traffic.  Defensive driving means knowing how to anticipate problems and anything that may arise unforeseen. To do this, you need to pay attention to what is happening in traffic, with you and your motorcycle. This way, it is possible to respond in advance, avoiding danger and the unexpected.
  8. Keep a safe distance.  It is universal to anyone who drives on the road, but is not always respected. Maintaining a safe distance allows time to think, slow down or stop if necessary.
  9. Adapt the speed.  Riding a motorcycle safely also means adhering to speed limits. Not only does it avoid fines, it also allows you to have more time to react if a danger arises.
  10. Evaluate the floor. Always adapt the way you drive on the road. Dirt ground will always have more dangers than a tarmac floor. It is also important to pay attention to any tram tracks, sanitation caps, the paint used on many pedestrian crossings, the presence of oil in the tarmac – a set of dangers that provide poor grip, especially in rain.
  11. Respect the weather conditions.  Rain, snow, fog and wind can affect the stability, controllability and safe driving of the motorcycle. To ride a motorcycle safely in these conditions, prudence, experience and adaptation at each moment are necessary.

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