

Riding a motorcycle can be easy for some. However, for motorcycle beginners, this simple activity becomes a challenge, doesn’t it?

Learning to fly requires concentration and attention. The first moments are exciting for the beginner, but it is necessary to remain responsible when driving.

Thinking about helping beginner pilots to fly with greater safety and skill, we have prepared this article with piloting tips and other important aspects to add to your knowledge.

Continue reading and prepare even more for riding on two wheels!

10 driving tips for motorcycle beginners

The motorcycle fleet continues to growing And, with it, of course, the number of pilots. These people can be young people who have recently qualified or drivers who decide to opt for a motorcycle because of the advantages it offers .

Whatever the case, the important thing is to pay attention to some important points when riding your motorcycle . The main thing is to have prudence and collective thinking, as the traffic is made up of everyone.

So, check out 10 driving tips for beginner motorcycle drivers.

1. Keep calm

Staying calm is a fundamental point when starting to drive a motorcycle . Try to remember that it’s okay to still be learning and that anxiety will only hinder your performance.

Also, choose a quiet place to practice, without a lot of noise or traffic. A good place option is empty parking lots or patios. With a little training you will be able to be more confident and get to know the bike better.

2. Practice taking the motorcycle off the stand, starting it and getting out

The best secret to learning to fly is to start with the basics. Therefore, practice the process of taking the motorcycle off the stand, starting it and leaving more than once.

Repeating this process will provide a better understanding of the clutch and accelerator modulation point . This way, you will feel more confident when starting and riding the bike.

3. Learn to brake progressively

If you have just left motorcycle school, you must have the information fresh in your mind that taking care of your brakes is very important, right? It is necessary to balance the use of the front and rear brakes, being very careful with sudden braking, especially with the front brake, to avoid the risk of falling.

To understand how this relationship will appear on your bike, practice beforehand. Ride for a few kilometers and use the brakes to feel how the bike will behave.

4. Practice shifting gears

Changing gears will be a repetitive action while driving the motorcycle. Therefore, it is important to know how to change gears safely.

When you press gear on your motorcycle, the transmission stops directing engine power to the rear wheel. This way, the motorcycle goes into neutral state and allows the driver to change gears.

To practice this process, keep driving with the engine at low speed and at a low speed. Start practicing your shifts, go from 2nd gear to 3rd, from 3rd to 4th, or however you prefer.

5. Use safety equipment

Safety equipment is essential for driver protection and, in some cases, mandatory. Protective equipment will prevent more serious consequences in accidents, for example.

Beginner motorcycle drivers should not fail to use safety equipment when riding. Check out some of the equipment that will help you:

  • closed helmet with visor — mandatory;
  • suitable pants;
  • jacket;
  • high boots;
  • gloves;
  • vest.

6. Pay attention to your tires

In addition to practicing driving, you need to remember to constantly maintain your motorcycle. After all, if it presents a problem, you could be harmed.

Tires are in constant contact with the ground, suffering from high temperatures, road irregularities and holes. For this reason, your attention should be focused on them.

Worn or poor quality tires, in addition to presenting the risk of accidents, also affect the motorcycle’s drivability.

Choose tires from reliable and well-known brands on the market, do not change the measurements provided for in size legislation and respect the manufacturer’s recommendation for tire pressure. Also pay attention to keeping your tire pressure up to date!

7. Watch out for curves!

While you were learning to ride the motorcycle school, you probably practiced turning at low speeds and very sharply. However, the reality of driving on the streets will not always be like this.

You must be prepared to face different situations in traffic and, above all, adapt to them. In traffic, curves will have to be made at speeds of 40 or 50 km/h in some cases and you must practice beforehand.

On your training ground, start by making light, wide turns. Try to correct the trajectory as little as possible. The objective is to be able to complete the curve with the bike stable and in a continuous movement.

8. Learn to park

Another essential part of starting to drive a motorcycle is learning how to park. When the terrain is flat and free of irregularities, this is an easy task. However, when the terrain is full of obstacles, you may face a challenge.

Therefore, practice parking the motorcycle on different types of terrain. On steep slopes, leave it at a stable angle and keep first gear engaged, to act as a brake.

Practicing parking will give you more safety and prevent embarrassment.

9. Maintain the motorcycle

Motorcycle maintenance ensures that everything works in perfect condition and avoids headaches with electrical or mechanical problems.

Always choose parts with proven quality and made for your motorcycle model. Opting for lower quality pieces, although it may seem advantageous at first, may turn out to be a bad decision later on.

Pay attention to oil changes , electrical maintenance, filter changes , chain wear and, as we said, tires.

10. Pay attention to traffic

After training a lot and feeling more comfortable driving a motorcycle, it’s time to take to the streets!

In traffic you will realize that you need to be agile and attentive most of the time. It is very important to avoid distractions, such as cell phone use, and to drive defensively.

Despite being a simple tip, safe driving is often neglected. However, adopt good driving practices — such as avoiding walking in the corridor, not overtaking dangerously and keeping a safe distance from other vehicles.

We hope that all these driving tips for motorcycle beginners help you feel safer and more confident when riding. Put them into practice and become a great driver!

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